Radio interviews about living well with MS

Living with a chronic illness, like Multiple Sclerosis, is tough to talk about. Often times we shut out the people we love because we don’t know how to communicate how we feel. Chronic illness impacts how we communicate with our loved ones, friends and co-workers. Instead of talking openly about how we feel, we tend to internalize our feelings and push the ones closest to us away.

If you are feeling like this, you are not alone. I am here to tell you that there are people who can help. One great source of strength that I have found is to listen to the stories of others that are going through a similar situation. Some activities that help connect you with other patients or care givers are to attend local patient events or support groups, participate in group fund raising activities, like the MS walk, or to engage in online support groups through social networks.

Recently I was asked to appear for two interviews to speak about living with MS. Listen as I discuss topics relating to living with MS. Topics include: living well with MS, diet, exercise, and why I wrote my book. The following are the links to these interviews which will help provide strength and inspiration to continue your fight and provide some tips about how to discuss your condition with the ones you love.

Click on text to open radio interview.

On HEALTH & HEALING – by Angela Levesque featuring Matt Cavallo on Mastering Life & Coping with Multiple Sclerosis

Big Blend radio show featuring Matt Cavallo on MS, AutoImmune Disorders & Herbal Health