iConquer MS Research Study
There is a new research study available to all of us living with MS, called iConquerMS. While there are now many treatment options available to modify the course of the disease, there are still many unknowns about multiple sclerosis. This study aims to better understand the population of those living with the disease. With patient-centered surveys, researchers can see patterns develop that they would not be able to see without our help!
Join me in taking part in this important study. Your voice and opinion matters! Not only that, but your voice can help researchers better understand this devastating disease. There is no cost or obligation and all the information collected by this study is for research purposes only. Any personal information, like your name and email address, is considered private and will not be shared.
To help get you started, I created a step by step blog on how to register for this research study. Once you are registered and access the study, there is a video on how to participate in the study surveys.
Thank you for joining me in contributing to this important research study! Your participation in this study is making a difference in the fight against MS!
Registering for iConquerMS Research Study
The following is a step by step instructions on how to get registered. Click on any of the pictures or links to open the iConquerMS home page in another window. Then follow these directions to complete your registration.
1. Enter the following address into your internet browser: https://iconquerms.org/
2. Click JOIN NOW in the upper right-hand corner of the iConquerMS home page.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the registration JOIN iConquerMS page and click GET STARTED.
4. Click Yes radio button to proceed with INFORMED CONSENT. *NOTE: If you are under 21 click No radio button and enter your email address. You will be notified by email when the under 21 study is available.
5. Clicking YES will expand the INFORMED CONSENT. Click play arrow on the audio player or download the printable version of the informed consent statement.
6. Once you listen to or download the informed consent statement, scroll to the bottom of the page and Yes to consent to take part in the iConquerMS research study.
7. Select Continue to proceed to iConquerMS research study.
8. Enter the email address you would like associated with the study.
9. Reenter the email address you would like associated with the study.
10. Click Submit.
11. You will then receive an email at the address you listed above. Make sure that it is a valid address that you have access too. You will need to click on a link from your email to complete your registration.
12. Complete your registration and then click Submit to proceed to iConquerMS research study.
Congratulations! You are now registered for the iConquerMS research study! I encourage you to watch the 3 minute long video on how to use the research site and how to take the survey.
Thank you again for joining me in contributing to this important research study! Your participation in this study is making a difference in the fight against MS!
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