How will iConquerMS?

Matt Cavallo supports

Matt Cavallo as heard on KTAR, about why participating in iConquerMS is so important:


I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in June of 2005. My symptoms came on in a fast, dramatic fashion. I lost feeling from the waist down and couldn’t walk or go to the bathroom on my own. I was afraid at that moment that my life was over and, at only 28 years old, I would never achieve my dreams.

Fast forward ten years and the landscape of MS has changed dramatically. Today, a person living with MS has options. There are now 12 FDA approved disease modifying treatments available ( Social media has created online platforms to connect patients with others living with the disease, creating a sense of community.

The growing MS community has a powerful voice. That voice has the power to provide researchers with the data they need to solve this complicated problem. People with MS are a lot like snowflakes, there are no two of us alike. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t similarities. Earlier in this blog I mentioned I was diagnosed in my 20’s, had a family history of MS, problems with mobility and bladder issues. How many of you reading this blog have had similar symptoms?

iConquerMS_badgeYou have the power to change the conversation about MS. By participating in the study you are presenting scientists and researchers with the power of data. By participating in the study, you are now taking an active part in conquering the disease.

There is no cost to participate and your data is completely private. Instructions for how to participate are available here:

Please join me as iConquerMS and have your voice included as we conquer MS together!
