Finding Your Inspiration Despite Living with a Chronic Illness

Many of us out there are living with a chronic illness. The challenges that we face with that illness can be overwhelming. What are you doing to stay inspired despite the cards that you were dealt?

For me, inspiration came in the form of a dog, my Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier, Ted. When I couldn’t walk or was too fatigued to move due to complications associated with multiple sclerosis, the commitment I made to taking care of Ted motivated me to get up and keep moving.

There is a common question from those who have read my books or seen me speak and that is, “how is Ted doing?” The following video introduces you to Ted and asks, what inspires you?


3 thoughts on “Finding Your Inspiration Despite Living with a Chronic Illness”

  1. Love and Appreciate you, Matt, and Ted, too. Thanks for sharing more about you and Ted. Our dog, Sadie, has made such a difference and enriches our lives at the Horowitz Hacienda in the Pines.

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