Excerpt: Spinal Tap

According to the National MS Society, analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid, which is sampled by a spinal tap, detects the levels of certain immune system proteins and the presence of oligoclonal bands. That means that if you are hospitalized with MS type symptoms, you are probably going to get a huge needle stuck in your […]

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Excerpt: Chapter One

“You okay over there?  You look like you saw a ghost or something.” Jocelyn asks. “I’m fine, just…um not feeling that great.  I think I tweaked my back last night in my sleep somehow.  A shower should help.” “Need me to get you anything.” “No.  Just help me up.” “Ok,” she says as I’m finally

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Benefits of the Affordable Care Act for people with chronic diseases.

As a patient living with MS, maintaining affordable health care insurance is important to me and my family.  Having proper access to care can mean the difference between my disease progressing and maintaining a normal quality of life. With the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act being upheld by the Supreme Court, there are going

Benefits of the Affordable Care Act for people with chronic diseases. Read More »